Maximizing Success in Last Epoch’s Merchant Guild Guide

Last Epoch is a game rich with depth and complexity, offering players a myriad of options for character advancement, gear customization, and economic growth. One of the key features that sets Last Epoch apart is the Merchant Guild, a system where players can buy & sell Last Epoch gold or trade items to enhance their characters’ power and wealth. In this guide, we’ll delve deep into strategies for success within the Merchant Guild, drawing on the insights and experiences of a seasoned player known as Dread.

Understanding the Importance of Favor

The player emphasizes that favor, not gold, is the primary currency of success within the Merchant Guild. Favor is crucial for making any significant transactions, whether it’s listing items for sale or purchasing valuable gear. To accumulate favor efficiently, players must focus on maximizing experience gain, as a favor is directly tied to XP acquisition. Higher corruption levels in Monoliths offer increased experience modifiers, leading to greater favor accumulation. Dread advises players to prioritize farming in Monoliths with high monster density and experience modifiers to optimize favor gain.

Leveraging Favor Wisely

Once players have amassed a substantial amount of favor, the next step is to spend it strategically. Dread outlines three main avenues for utilizing favor effectively:

  1. Selling Idols: Idols are a lucrative commodity in the Merchant Guild, as they can be listed for relatively low favor costs while fetching high prices. Players can farm Monoliths for Idol nodes and list them on the market for substantial profits.
  2. Exalt Trading: Exalted items, particularly tier six and tier seven gear, hold significant value in Last Epoch’s economy. Players can capitalize on the demand for these items by listing them for bulk prices, catering to crafters seeking specific affixes or attributes.
  3. Target Farming: By observing market trends and player preferences, savvy traders like Dread can anticipate which items are in high demand. Target farming involves focusing on specific Monoliths or boss encounters to acquire sought-after items, such as low-life gear or powerful unique items.

Synergizing Strategies for Success

Combining these strategies yields the best results in the Merchant Guild. By diversifying their approach and adapting to market conditions, players can maximize their profits and enhance their characters’ capabilities. Whether it’s farming Monoliths for a favor, crafting exalted items for sale, or targeting specific items for acquisition, a multifaceted approach ensures sustained success in Last Epoch’s dynamic economy.


In the bustling marketplace of Last Epoch’s Merchant Guild, mastery of economic strategies is essential for achieving prosperity and power. By following the advice of experienced traders, players can navigate the complexities of favor accumulation, item trading, and market trends to forge their path to greatness. With careful planning, shrewd decision-making, and a keen eye for opportunity, any player can rise to prominence in Last Epoch’s ever-evolving world of commerce.

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