Skull and Bones: A Guide to Pieces of Eight

In the treacherous waters of Skull and Bones, where pirates rule the seas and fortune favors the bold, currency reigns supreme in the form of Pieces of Eight. These coveted coins are the lifeblood of any aspiring pirate lord, unlocking access to powerful ships, formidable weapons, and essential upgrades. In this comprehensive guide, we’ll delve into the intricate strategies and tactics necessary to amass vast fortunes in the high-stakes world of Skull and Bones.

Understanding the Economy

At the heart of Skull and Bones lies a complex economic ecosystem, where Pieces of Eight are both the means and the end. While fulfilling orders may yield modest returns of 80 to 90 Pieces of Eight, the true path to wealth lies in reaching the pinnacle of infamy: the Kingpin rank. As a Kingpin, a pirate gains access to the Helm, a strategic command center from which lucrative opportunities abound.

Seizing Control

Upon ascending to the rank of Kingpin, pirates unlock the Helm and gain the ability to navigate the perilous waters of territorial dominance. By engaging in hostile takeovers or legendary heists, players can claim ownership of lucrative manufactories—key facilities that churn out Pieces of Eight at regular intervals.

Hostile takeovers, marked by PvP encounters, offer the thrill of direct competition, while legendary heists provide a cooperative alternative for those averse to combat. Regardless of the method chosen, strategic control of manufactories is paramount, as it unlocks production bonuses and trade routes essential for maximizing wealth accumulation.

Maximizing Returns

With manufactories under their command, enterprising pirates must ensure optimal efficiency and productivity. Upgrading manufactories not only increases production rates but also expands storage capacity, reducing the need for frequent collection runs. By investing Pieces of Eight into these upgrades, pirates can passively accumulate wealth while focusing on other pursuits, such as plundering rival ships or exploring uncharted waters.

Strategic Investments

As wealth accumulates, pirates must weigh their options carefully, balancing immediate needs with long-term growth strategies. While high-tier weapons and ships may offer immediate advantages, investing in manufactories and trade routes can yield exponential returns over time. Additionally, territorial bonuses and supply route optimizations can further enhance profitability, providing a steady stream of Skull and Bones silver income for the discerning pirate lord.


In the cutthroat world of Skull and Bones, mastering the art of wealth acquisition is essential for survival and success. By seizing control of manufactories, optimizing production, and strategically investing in upgrades and bonuses, pirates can ascend to unparalleled heights of fortune and power. Whether engaging in daring raids or navigating the intricate web of alliances and rivalries, one thing remains clear: in Skull and Bones, Pieces of Eight are the ultimate currency of conquest and control.

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