Throne and Liberty: Top 3 Builds

This article dives deep into Throne and Liberty, a promising upcoming MMORPG, offering insights into the three most potent meta builds based on the Korean beta experience.

Disclaimer: This content emphasizes maximizing effectiveness and may not align with your preferred playstyle. If you prioritize enjoying the game and creating your own unique experience, feel free to disregard the “meta” and choose what appeals to you. This information is primarily for those seeking an edge and aiming to be at the forefront of the game’s competitive scene.

The Power of Weapon Pairing:

Throne and Liberty emphasizes strategic weapon pairings, where each weapon’s passive abilities can synergize with the other, significantly amplifying their potential. Choosing the right pair is crucial for maximizing your build’s effectiveness.

Top 3 Meta Builds:

  1. Bow and Crossbow:

This ranged duo thrives on synergy and maximizing damage potential. The Bow benefits from the Crossbow’s passive buffs like Eagle Vision, increasing ranged hit rate, and Crushing Shot, lowering target defenses. Conversely, the Bow’s passives like Mortal Target and Sniper Sense bolster critical hit chance and damage for both weapons. Rapid Leap from the Crossbow allows for quick repositioning and initiating combos with the Bow’s powerful sniping skills.

  1. Wand and Tome:

This combination provides a potent blend of DPS and support, making it a valuable asset in any party. Both weapons scale off intelligence, simplifying stat allocation. Wand’s passives like Chaotic Nail and Piercing Talon enhance critical hits for the entire arsenal. Tome’s skills offer strong crowd control and healing abilities, making the build versatile and highly effective in various situations.

  1. Greatsword and Dagger:

This melee powerhouse boasts incredible survivability and damage output, making it a dominant force in PvP. The Greatsword’s passives like Tenacious Body and Vigorous Spirit grant massive health and damage bonuses. Its stuns and dashes, combined with the Dagger’s Shadow Strike, create an aggressive and relentless playstyle, leaving opponents overwhelmed by the constant pressure.


This information is based on the current state of the beta and may change before launch or with future updates.
Experimenting and finding your preferred playstyle is encouraged, especially if you prioritize personal enjoyment over pure meta-effectiveness.
Adapting your build based on the situation and your team composition is crucial for success.

Additional Resources:

The linked skill reference tool can provide further insight into individual skills and passives.
Joining the Throne and Liberty community can offer valuable discussions and tips from experienced players.

By understanding these top meta builds and their strengths, you can enter the world of Throne and Liberty well-equipped to conquer its challenges and dominate the battlefield. However, never lose sight of the joy of exploration and personal discovery that MMOs offer. Choose a path that resonates with you, and forge your legend in the enchanting world of Throne and Liberty!

For more of the latest Throne and Liberty content, be sure to keep up to date with MMOexp. And also can buy Throne and Liberty Lucent here!